domingo, 22 de junho de 2014

JEOVÁ, NOME DE DEUS DOS JUDEUS, por Artur Felisberto.

14 E disse Deus a Moisés: EU SOU O QUE SOU. Disse mais: Assim dirás aos filhos de Israel: EU SOU me enviou a vós. {outros: SEREI O QUE SEREI. Estas palavras concordam em fundamento com o nome hebraico transliterado YHWH ou JHVH } 15 E Deus disse mais a Moisés: Assim dirás aos filhos de Israel: O SENHOR (Yahweh, a transliteration of the proper name YHWH that is sometimes rendered “Jehovah”; in this translation it is usually rendered “the Lord”), o Deus de vossos pais, o Deus de Abraão, o Deus de Isaque e o Deus de Jacob, me enviou a vós; este é meu nome eternamente, e este é meu memorial de geração em geração. {Heb. YHWH traduzido: O SENHOR, DEUS, ou Jeová; outros: Yahweh, Iehovah.. que quer dizer: QUE É, ou Ele Causa O Que Chegue A Ser.} – Êxodo, 3.

Mas, será mesmo verdade que era mesmo isto que andava escrito nos originais da Tora, guardada na arca da aliança?

It is clearly recorded in the scriptures that his name is "Yah" (Ps 68:4 ), so what is the problem? YAH is his name but when he told Moses implicitly who he was he said *YAH HOVAH, which is translated "I am that I am" sent you. But immediately after that he said explicitly to tell them, "I AM [YAH] has sent me unto you." The confusion lies in this. YAH is his name. However, what he said to Moses was a combination of his name and the most personal verb, "to be"; in Hebrew that is "hovah," coming from "havah". In other words, YAH HOVAH or "I am that I am" should be really translated, "YAH will be what YAH will be" or "Yah is what Yah is." That's why immediately after he told Moses to tell them YAH sent him; again telling Moses his name by removing the verb. The name is not written in Ex 3:14, but rather a combination of his name and the verb "hovah" (or to be); then a relation to it standing alone –“I AM”. Notice Ex 3:14 with the strong numbers, there is no strong numbers beside "I AM," because that is his name but you see numbers beside "I AM THAT I AM," because it is a combination of a verb (should be havah) and his name. (…) "The mystery attached to the Name of the Almighty, is related to the verb ‘to be' (I am, I was, I will be) which is the Hebrew verb ‘Hovah’, meaning, ‘to be’, in the present tense.  YHWH therefore means: ‘YAH Hoveh’, which means YAH is.

It is therefore quite possible that the correct rendering of the SHEMAH (the Greatest Commandment - Deut 6:4) should read:


HEAR   ISRAEL     YAH   IS           OUR GOD   YAH       IS         ONE.

-- Oneil McQuick.

Cantad á Dios, cantad salmos á su nombre: Ensalzad al que sube sobre los cielos En YAH su nombre, y alegraos delante de él. (Ps 68:4 -- King James Version).

Yw, Yawu, Yah, Iahu, Ieuo = Yw or Yawu is given as the original name of Yam in the Myth of Ba`al from Ugarit, and is probably the same as Ieuo in Philo of Byblos' Phoenician History. He is possibly to be identified with Yahweh. Coincidentally, a likely pronunciation of Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh really is Yahuh (Yahoo!). The name of this deity was used in theophoric personal names in a number of Canaanite cities and continues in use in Isra'el today - as in "Natan-yahu"

Yah ou jhwh?

The following are transliterated versions of the Sacred Names that are in use by various Sacred name groups:

YHVH, YHWH, Yahweh, Yahveh, Yaveh, Yaweh, Yehovah, Jehova, Jehovah, Jahova, Jahovah, Yahova, Yahovah, Yahowah, Jahowa, Jahowah, Yahavah, Jahavah, Yahowe, Yahoweh, Jahaveh, Jahaweh, Yahaveh, Yahaweh, Jahuweh, Yahuweh, Yahhewahe, Yohewah, Eave, Jahuwah, Yahuwah, Yahuah, Yah, Jah, Yahu, Yahoo, Yaohu, Jahu, Yahvah, Jahvah, Jahve, Jahveh, Yahve, Yahwe, Yauhu, Yawhu, Iahu, Iahou, Iahoo, Iahueh and many more. -- Oneil McQuick.

It is a well known fact that the Samaritans were transplanted to the land of Israel from the area of ancient Babylonia. What is not well known is their connection with the ancient Amorites and their mutual god Yahweh. The Samaritans were descendants of the ancient Amorites and remained in the region of Babylonia after the collapse of Dynasty I of Babylon. Mari was the name of their kingdom before Dynasty I of Babylon. The god of the ancient Amorites was yawi, also variously spelled yawe, yahwi or yahweh. This Amoritic name was one of the many names of Nimrod. Nimrod was worshiped under different names by various cultures in the Ancient Near East. The Amorites worshiped Nimrod as Yawi and Semiramis as Mari (later known as the Virgin Mary). Nimrod was known as Yareah and Semiramis as Anat or Anath among the ancient Phoenicians. To the ancient Chaldeans, Semiramis was known as Marratu. The ancient Elamite Persians knew her as Mariham, and Horus (her son, whom she claimed was Nimrod reborn) as Jahi. Among the descendants of Aram, the ancient Syrians, Horus was known as Yamm, the serpent-consort of Meri (Semiramis). That the name Yahweh is of Amoritic origin is little disputed by scholars. Nor is the fact that the Amoritic name Yahweh has no connection with YHWH much disputed. Although dictionaries and commentaries still promote Yahweh as the pronunciation of YHWH, it must be remembered that this assertion is based on research that was conducted between fifty and one-hundred years ago. That research was later shown to be faulty and incomplete. Authors of recently published dictionaries and commentaries that continue to promote Yahweh are ignorant of the facts. -- Carl Franklin

Desisto de pronunciar o nome do deus dos judeus em vão!

Na verdade, é quase seguro que seriam dois os nomes envolvidos no nome do deus dos Judeus. YW (> YHWH) e Jeovat que ou seria um diminutive ou o feminine.

De facto,

YaM-NaHaR, meaning: "Sea-River", sometimes took the guise of a Storm or Wind-Deity. His Personal name was YW. For instance, in the Kenaani (Canaanite) Epic of Baal and Yam, 'AL, speaking to Athiratu-yammi (called Elat = Dessese) about their son YaM says:

..."The name of my son is YW, Oh Dessese"...

The Personal name YW of the Kenaani (Canaanite) Deity YaM-NaHaR is intriguingly similar to the Personal name of the 'Abari (Hebrew) Deity, YHWH.

There is a similarity of the names (YW and YHWH) on one hand and a similarity of roles on the other hand. Baal was considered to be the chief rival of YHWH by the ancient 'Abarim (Hebrews). Baal was also the chief rival of YW for the ancient Kenaani (Canaanites). This identification is certainly a certain one.

The ancient Kenaani (Canaanites) intermarried with the ancient 'Abarim (Hebrews). The Deity that each held to be the King of the Deities was the one and the very same Deity.

Like the Kenaani (Canaanites), the ancient 'Abarim (Hebrews) regarded the PERSONAL Name of their tribal Deity, YHWH, as too sacred for common use, and they usually called him simply 'Adonai (My Deity), or sometimes, Baal (Master) or Baali (My Master).

Please consider -HOSEA 2: 16-17

...And it shall be on that day, says YHWH, that you shall call me, 'AYSHY (Personal), and shall call Me no more Baali (My Baal). For I will take away the names of the Baals out of her (Israel's) mouth, and they shall no more remember their name"... -HOSEA 2: 16-17

There are even parallels between the Kenaani (Canaanite) Baal and the 'Abari (Hebrew) YHWH which are quite detailed. For instance, the Kenaanim (Canaanites) referred to Baal as  ..."The Rider On The Clouds"... (in His role as the Deity of Storms and War) -KTU 1.3 II 40, and the ancient 'Abari (Hebrews) referred to YHWH by the same euphemism -PSALM 68: 5.

The Kenaani (Canaanite) Baal and the 'Abari (Hebrew) YHWH are both portrayed as overcoming YaM ("the Sea") and the enemies within it -PSALM 74: 13; -JOB 7: 12; -JOB 26: 12; -JOB 38: 8, and His henchman Lotan called the Fleeing Serpent, the Twisty Serpent, Potentate with Seven Heads and, in 'Abari (Hebrew), Leviathan -ISAIAH 27:1 and -PSALM 74:13-14; -JOB 3:8; -JOB 40: 25 or -JOB 41: 1. YHWH took over the historical role of Baal in ancient 'Abari (Hebrew) folklore and is best understood as the ancient 'Abari (Hebrew) equivalent of that Hamitic Kenaani (Canaanite) Deity.

The origin of the name of the Deity of the ancient 'Abarim (Hebrews) is obviously also Hamitic Kenaani (Canaanite). That YHWH was originally a name of a son of 'AL is attested by a Kenaani (Canaanite) document -KTU 1.1 IV 14 from Ugarit. It reads:

..."SM . BNY . YW . ILT"... Which translates as:

..."The name of my Son is YW"...

The ancient Kenaani (Canaanite) Deity YéW (pronounced as: YeH-oo; of which the long form YHWH pronounced as: YeH-oo-aH) was simply the personal name of YaM-NaHaR ("Sea-River") a son of 'AL. Who took on the guise of a Storm or Wind-Deity and who was part of the Kenaani (Canaanite) pantheon of Deities.

Later, as the National Deity of the ancient kingdom of Israel, YHWH was equated with the Kenaani (Canaanite) Supreme Deity 'AL. Please consider the following:

..."And 'ALHaYaM spoke to Moses and said to him, I YHWH, Who appeared to 'AbraHam, to Isaac, and to Jacob, by the name of 'AL Shaddai; but My name YHWH I did not make known to them"...

-EXODUS 6: 2-3

And so 'Asherah (Athiratu-yammi = "She who walks on the Sea"), who was originally the consort of 'AL; then became the consort of YHWH. Please consider the following:

..."And he set up even image the Asherah (Athiratu-yammi) that he made in the house of which had said YHWH to David and to Solomon his son, in this house and in Jerusalem, that I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put My name forever"... -2 KINGS 21: 7. --

De qualquer modo um judeu tem Ju por Deus o que os aproxima dos romanos que tinham Ju por pai e dai, Ju-pater > Jupitar > Júpiter.

Obviamente que este Ju era Xu ou Zu o deus das tempestades que segurava o céu!

Se YHVH = YaHoVaH, então Jahovah era nem mais nem menos que Jove-Te, ou seja, Te-Chuva, o deus dos hititas e de todos os povos egeus.

A reminiscência literal deste nome vai aparecer na festa de Yom Kipur e que aparece o conceito do regresso as origens do judaísmo na forma de regresso ao Senhor Baal Teshuva.

Teshuvá (em hebraico תשובה, literalmente retorno) é a prática de voltar às origens do judaísmo. Também tem o sentido de se arrepender dos pecados de maneira profunda e sincera. Aquele que passa pelo processo de teshuvá com sucesso é chamado de baal teshuvá (literlamente filho de Tesuwe).

Sendo assim, é quase seguro que os judeus seriam uma tribo cretense como os fenícios que por viverem numa zona de passagem do corredor sírio se teriam miscigenadodo com hebreus da Caldeia e com egípcios! Talvez precisamente para viverem em paz no meio de diversos cultos antagónicos tenham acabado por inventar a falsa desculpa mítica de que o seu deus não queria que o seu nome fosse pronunciado em vão como nas pragas dos pagão nem representado para além do que era subtil, ou seja pelo fogo, e por um majestoso obelisco de pedra como Hermes Propileu, como Baco e como Dushares / Osiris! Seguramente que o orgulho judeu não pode decorrer de uma origem tão humilde como a que decorre duma mera tribo de pastores descendentes dum qualquer Abraão. O mais provável será então que seriam descendentes de refugiados importantes tando primeiro do desastre das ilhas do império minóico do século 16ºa. C como mais tarde da queda de Hatusha capital dos hititas no século 13ºa. C, na época dos “povos do mar”.

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